SimonettaC's Blog
Well hello!!
Ill health is still getting in the way of time that I want to spend Simming. I currently have just been diagnosed with an enlarged Liver. Which is really quite painful for me at the moment. I have had to go on a really strict diet with lots of exercise. Bit of a bummer now the sun is out and I can see people eating Icecreams and such.. Bah!!
Oh well... on the plus side... I have ordered a coat for winter, 2 sizes down than I am at the moment. With a bit a luck I should fit into it easily by October. Well that is the plan :)
I am currently updating preview shots, I really didn't realise how poor my photoshop skills were. Some of my first preview shots are terrible!
Well I hope to be rectifying that and basically having a bit of a overhaul of everything associated with my Simming antics :D
Still lurking! Social site links :)
I am still lurking here in the background.. I have been asked, who is/what is Timeline Sims? Well, SimonettaC is my personal nickname/Id for me personally and all my regular creations are associated with that name.
Timeline Sims is technically still me, but representing something else.
I created the name TimelineSims for any creation that is along the theme of anything Historical. For example, my Roman stuff will be associated with that name. It's basically a name that I have chosen as a name for my own website and domain name. The website is in progress and has not been published for all to see. I have started it but I will not be publishing until all the links and pages have been set up properly. I did want SimonettaC but some of the Sim sites that i have registered to, SimonettaC has been taken. I did not want to be known as SimonettaC on some sites and then having to pick a different name on another site. I guess I am not the only SimonettaC in the world..Lol!!
So that is why I came up with the name TimelineSims. For the record, I had that name before the Facebook 'Timeline' came out, so I hadn't come up with that name because of that. I mean, that would have been pretty lame anyway, right?
I liked Timeline as that way I can create from any Historical time period and just mark it on the timeline from my website. That is the idea I had in mind :)
So, now I have answered that, let's get straight on to what I am currently doing. I am making a lot of changes in the background, though they are not all visable yet. I am deleting old accounts, updating accounts and creating new ones. I aim to have all my creations up to date for the current patch, that includes all of my patterns. I will also be updating preview shots and basically making a overhaul of everything associated with my Simming antics :D
If you want to see WIP screenies of my forthcoming creations, thoughts etc.
Please feel free to add yourself to the following links:-
My 'Sims profile' on Facebook -
My 'Sims 3 profile' on the -
My new profile at Sailfinsims - (Deb has a fab new site, so you will have to re- register on the new site).
My new Blogger profile - (It is currently showing as .it cos I am in Italy at the moment :P )
My Sims 'My Space account' - (I deleted the old one).
My Sims 'Google+' profile
I will update this with more links as I remember them..Lol! Drop me a line, I love to chat :D
My TSR Sims profile - I guess you already have that right! :P :P
Still here :D
Hi all,
Just to let you know that I will be back to Simming again soo. Real life stuff has been in the way. Plus I have done some travelling and took a holiday.
See you all again soon!
New policies regarding my creations :D
Hi All,
Creation Policies .......
Just to let you all know, you may use any of my Sims 3 objects, Patterns and Terrains in any of your lots, screenshots & stories on any Sims site you wish.
All I ask is that you give me credit for anything that I have created. And I would like to ask, if it is possible, could you please provide a link back to my original creation that you have used.
The same rules apply to my Sims 2 Wallpapers and floors.
My Lots/houses may not be shared in any way or claimed to be your builds.
I am also a member of The Sims Resource Artist Alliance. (TSRAA). Regarding TSRAA, please give me credit when using my creations.
Thankyou for respecting my wishes, Happy Simming!
Other News.......
I am no longer limiting my creations just to TSR. I will now be uploading my creations on the official Sims 3 site too. You will also start seeing my creations hosted on various other Sims sites as well. Yay!! Let's spread the!!
I am also currently working on hosting my own website, which is called 'Timeline Sims'. More information will be posted in due course about this :)
Kindest Wishes
Simonetta. x
My Secret theme is Ancient Rome!
Hi all,
I have decided to finally let the cat out out of the bag. My secret theme is Ancient Rome and not Steampunk as so many of you close to me thought it would be. I do like to tease you all...he he
I have decided to wait until after all this Pets/patch business is out of the way, so I am holding it back a little while longer.
Here is a sneaky peep, so you can see what me and my husband have been working on. (The Vase, Window, Toilet, Fence and clock were created by just me). The shelf was created with the help of my husband. He basically went through creating it with me, step by step. I could not have created this on my own as it was much more complicated than what I am used to doing. He can knock a mesh together in 5 mins, but me...well that's another story. Plenty of tears need to be shed for me to But I am learning! :)
Secret Theme!
Hi All,
I have been away from Simming for a while due to health and real life probs. I am much better now and things have settled down. So I have quickly got on with creating again :)
You will not have known about this as of yet, as I have been keeping it all back. I would like to release it all in one big wham, so that is what is going to happen!
Expect to see the first of many things in about a weeks time..... Remember... Shhhhhhhhh
Update - Changes
Hi all,
I have plenty of stuff in store for you. Unfortunately though, my real life just keeps on hindering my creative process. I am currently back in Italy now, but I have a ton of cleaning and sorting out to do. I have been making plenty of trips to Ikea, to help me to continue to be more organised. I am a real neat!
Hopefully stuff in my real life will be sorted out soon and I will be ready to start submitting stuff on a regular basis. I have plenty of plans/changes in store. I am so excited about it all. New stuff, changes to my profile and tutorials that I have written, will be published too.
Until then, bye for now :D
I'm still here! :)
Hi all,
Just a quick update to say I am still around. I have had the all clear on my health issues and I am totally relieved to hear that. I have felt totally out of the Sims world for so long now, that it really did make me feel down at times :(
I am now planning to get all my stuff ready to travel back to my beloved Italy, so I have been busy packing. I am hoping to be back in Italy within the next 2 weeks, fingers crossed.
I will then be able to set up broadband again and chuckt this rotten slow dongle out of the window.
I have lots of stuff planned for you all. Basic tutorials for beginners with step by step photos. I also plan on finally pulling my finger out and learning how to import my own custom meshes/objects. My health issues have certainly slowed me down, but that is all going to change now, I promise!
I will be totally upgrading my profile page and preview shots too. I will be taking a serious look at all my past creations and updating any preview shots that are very sloppy. I want the stuff on my page to be nice to look at, so that you can feel that I have made every effort for you. As I not only want you to enjoy downloading my creations but also enjoying looking at what you see too.
I am so excited and raring to get back into the Sims world again, so watch this space!
Hugs to you all
Hi all,
Well the time has nearly come.. I go into Hospital tommorow and will be away from Simming until I feel up to it again. I hope I will not be away for too long. We will have to see. I will have to recuperate sitting up, so I may as well be at my PC.. he he
I am told I will be extremely tired so I can't promise many creations coming your way. I have 18 items sitting in my submissions folder on TSR, so I will try and release a few, if I am well enough.
If you send me any message through here or on Facebook, please know I will get back to you when I can.
Per will be running the daily lottos on Facebook whilst I am away, please show him your support and visit the TSR facebook page, their are some really nice fans who comment regular on there, do join in if you can :)
Well bye for now, I hope to be back with you all again real soon!