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Created for: The Sims 3
This is a Set with 23 Creations - Click here to show all
Green's Greenhouse is a garden build set for sims 3. This set contains some items from sims 2 (Converted mainly plants) for your sims yards. The greenhouse is inspired by the greenhouse objects from sims 2. Its sad that EA never released greenhouse objects for sims 3. These objects should work just fine. Please note that the planterbox requires supernatural since it was cloned from one of the indoor pots to plant seeds in.
How to build Greenhouse
1. Build a 6x(Whatever you want "In this case, I will use 6x7 for example" ) building made out of Green's Greenhouse Wall located in; Build mode>Fence
2. Build a regular wall straight down the center of the greenhouse and go up a floor, this will be used as a building ground for the roof.
3. Place Green's Greenhouse Roof Ends on both ends of the greenhouse. (Drag in each direction for the direction you want the outside wall to be)
4. Place Green's Greenhouse Roof Center in between the 2 ends to fill in the empty area.
5. Delete the wall on the bottom floor and place your gate of choice against the Greenhouse fence wall.
Enjoy :D
This is if you wish to know where the object locations are:
Build Mode:
>Fence; Green's Greenhouse Wall, Green's Greenhouse Wall Short, Green's Greenhouse Rail, Green's Greenhouse Roof Center, Green's Greenhouse Roof Ends
>Gate; Green's Greenhouse Gate
>Shrubs; Amazing Hedge, BoxLady, Green's Greenhouse Bannana Leaf, Spider Lily, Tiny Palm, Blue Tinged Hydrangea Shrub, Garden Music "Oleander"
>Trees; SimCity Midbiscus, Non-Proliferating Wild Bamboo
>Flowers; Flower Collection, DaisiesofOurLivesCorner, DaisiesofOurLives
Buy Mode:
/By Room/
>Kitchen> Trash; Green's Greenhouse Recycle Bin;
>Living Room> Plants; Green's Greenhouse Planterbox
>Living Room> Rug; Glass Floor 1x1
>Outdoor>Lights; Garden Light
/By Function/
>Appliances> Misc Appliances; Green's Greenhouse Recycle Bin
>Decor> Plants; Green's Greenhouse Planterbox
>Decor> Rugs; Glass Floor 1x1
>Lights> Outdoor; Garden Light
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1195348
ItemID: 1195348
Filesize: 5 MB
How to install Set:
1. Make sure Sims 3 Game and launcher are closed before continuing.
2. Copy desired Sims3packs to > C:UsersUSERNAMEDocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 3Downloads
3. Launch Sims 3 launcher and install downloads.
Enjoy :D
Objects Created by xXiNightXx @ TSR 2013
Credits: Sims 2, EA
- TSRAA: Yes - What's this?

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