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Created for: The Sims 3 Creator Terms of Use
*15 poses of children and teachers
*pose list compatible
*tested in game
*Some of the poses may need to be shifted about using the Move objects on cheat
*please read the notes section below for other details
Pose Codes
c_bmit_school1 raised arm
c_bmit_school2 slouched in chair
c_bmit_school3 head in hand
a_bmit_school4 teacher pointing at the board
a_bmit_school5 teacher reading standing up
c_bmit_school6 frustrated child
a_bmit_school7 teacher consoling child
c_bmit_school8 kneeling on floor
c_bmit_school9 cross legged on floor
a_bmit_school10 story time on carpet
c_bmit_school11 leaning back on hands, sitting floor
a_bmit_school12 teacher sitting saying shhh!
c_bmit_school13 sad child
c_bmit_school14 whispering right
c_bmit_school15 whispering left
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1432929
ItemID: 1432929
Revision: 2
Filesize: 200 KB
The book shown for pose 5 is from kurioneko05 at MTS -http://modthesims.info/d/559695
However the book by TheNumbersWoman also fits the hand quite nicely.
You may find another book you like more. Which ever you choose, the book will need to be placed on the one more slot from MTS and raised up to the hand. One more slot link: http://modthesims.info/d/428179
CC Shown in Pics (not necessary for pose)
Around The Sims 3
–desk, chair, desktop accessories, wall map, blackboard
-apple, copy books (shown on shelf) from the school set by Severinka
-ABC rug by Severinka
Credits: TSR and all my wonderful followers!
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.