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Created for: The Sims 3 Creator Terms of Use
Christmas can be such a special time with the children. Watching in anticipation for Santa to arrive, or meeting him to receive a present and have your picture taken with him. As the jolly old elf is depicted differently in so many cultures, I have dressed him simply for the pics.
21 poses
pose list compatible
poses snap together as designed and you should not need to use the cheat to tweak their positions
Thank you to the CC creators! Your creations make my pics look perfect! Links to all the CC used in the Notes section below.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1434962
ItemID: 1434962
Filesize: 277 KB
The jolly old elf shown, is my own creation and can be found here:
*Pose 8 (baby) works with both bundle and legs
*Pose 18 (child on fireplace) works with a deep sill as well as a narrow one, shown
*The Santa hat/hair is from The Sims 3 store:
CC Shown in Pics - You may choose to use others that work for you
ATS squat pillow for pose 16 and 17
Fireplace by sim_man123
Christmas Decorations by Severinka
Christmas Presents by BuffSumm
Stool by ArtVitalex
Credits: Severinka, BuffSumm, sim_man123, ArtVitalex, Around the Sims 3
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