AshleyBlack (1185555)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (45 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Suburban Chic - NO CC - by...
Published Apr 22, 2011
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations
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About Me
Hello! My name is Ildi, I live in Hungary. I play sims since TS2. I love to build and decorate playable houses for the game. I hope you'll find them not only comfortable to play, but pretty too.
My sims3 houses are fully furnished and decorated - I take extra care of it. I recolour nearly all item to make my houses unique and stylish. I work slowly, but try to give the best of me, don't stop till I think, that's the best I can make - I will also play with my houses, so you can be sure they are fine.
Also like to create nice sims to play with. My sims come with no (or only some) custom content, and with original clothes recoloured by me. My sims pictures are screenshots, I never modify the photo, so you'll get what you see (except the custom hairs of course, but you can change it in your game). I think, that's more important, than to disappointed when you see them in the game.
You can find more of my clothes and items recolours on the sims3 exchange.
My Latest Updates Show All
To my friends and downloadersWritten Jul 17, 2011
I know, that nowadays I have not too much time to be around here, but now I read about the changes with the site, and I think it means the end of my uploads to my little site after so many years to be a member here. I absolutely understand, that the number of uploads need manage in some way, but it means, that I'll have to stop to uploading my creations here, because nowadays I try to... ...More
Happy Valentine Day - lingerie-set! :)Written Feb 14, 2011
My Dear Friends! :) I'd like to wish you a very Happy Valentine Day with this (mainly) pink lingerie-set - files are available in my studio on the EA-site. ...More
Suburbia village - 4 houses on 1 lotWritten Nov 07, 2010
I created this little village some months ago, but didn't uploaded still. But some days ago I finished with the pictures too, and here it is. :) I know, it's not the best time to publish this village, because everybody play with Late Night modern apartments, but I think, it's very uncomfortable to play with those high towers, because it takes a lot of time to get home with low needs, and a... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
srgmls23Dec 24, 2014
May this Christmas fill our hearts with
health love and peace...
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! hugs
srgmls23Dec 24, 2013
May magic fill your days and all your dreams come true
Wishing you and those around you a very merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!! Hugs Sérgio
venus_00Apr 21, 2013
Ashley Black where did you go?!? We miss your talent here. You are the only person I have ever really LOVED all their housing ideas. Miss you.