ChickFlick9207 (840047)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (33 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Boca Raton Beach
Published Jun 10, 2006
About Me
Hi my name is Summer.
I'm a crazy girl with a crazy life in Florida.
I have one baby brother I live with along with my mother.
I have four Pets; two dogs and two cats. Cleopatra, Pie-Pie, Brandi, and Zoe.
I enjoy writing poetry and updating my legacy located on the TSR Challenge Boards, Horseback riding, Go-Karking, and spending quality time with my friends and family.
I am a Member of the The Sims Resource Artist Alliance. (TSRAA)
Feel Free to use any of my creations in any of your lots uploaded to TSR. just put my name in the little credits box.
My Guestbook Show All
iZazuSep 04, 2007
Hi Summer! Believe it or not but I was going thru some old threads in the forum and I came across a thread that you had started WAY back on February 9th 2006. You titled it, Happy Birthday iZazu! I have to appologize, I never saw that thread at all. That was so nice of you to do that dear! And I am sorry that I didn't see it back then. I would of definitely posted in it and I would of thanked you then! But for what it is worth now, I really appreciated it and thanks so much!! I just had to let you know that I finally saw it...Linda
KarieOct 08, 2006
Hey Summer,
I wanted to thank you again for the help in the chat room! I looked at the things you made, very nice! I haven't been able to figure out how to do that stuff (I also didn't try very hard!). Anyways, thanks again!!
simnamedchrisMay 27, 2006
Heya, Sumsy! Nice profile!
Enjoy your filet mignon - medium rare.
*slaps with loofah*