Karie (146299)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (6 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

#3 Possum Holler
Published Apr 30, 2008
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About Me
Hi! I am Karie (well really, Karen) and I am addicted to Sims. I love the Sims and I am responsible for my best friend Laurie becoming addicted to Sims...oh, then it rippled down to Hiedi and Sylvia and Alexander,Cody,Serena and occasionally my husband. Whoops? Naw! I have a kitty named Prancer and a talking dog, named Timber. He's a Siberian Husky, and yes, he really talks!! There are 2 other cats in my house, but they belong to my room mates. Oreo and Prancer are the BEST of friends! There is another dog, she's my other room mates guide dog and we have Casper, the crabby cantankerous kitty. My house is a little busy with 4 humans, a bunch of critters and countless SIMS! I LOVE TSR, because it's a great place to make new friends and to pick on,whoops..I mean talk to old friends LaurieR & hiedibear and Shadow66 (she's my favorite Mad Cow). I love it that there is so many creative people here that make my game just that much more! Thank you everyone!! Thank you Hiedi for my awsome banner. I still love it!! Oh, and the reason my avitar is a piggy, is because I had Swine Flu last year and Shadow66 has decided that my name is now Piggy.
My Latest Updates Show All
The Written Oct 01, 2008
Well, the other night, I got to wondering if anyone has had a sim "Do It ALL", everything that the game & all the expansion packs come up with. I figure, start the sim off as a BABY (Hiedibear cheated and started off with a toddler, forgetting that they can become best friends with their parents as infants, and the lovely puking on the parents too, not that THAT makes a memory). As... ...More
Sigh..here I go again..Written Aug 02, 2008
I get to play the lovely "Uninstall/Reinstall" game again!! Yeah! NOT! >:( I don't know why, but nearly all of my hard drive is filled up! I had WAY more on my computer before (the last uninstall/reinstall game was played) when my hubby fixed it. There is so little room, that I can hardly play my Sims! It's awful! They move all jerky like when on 3 speed, only SLOW! You can just... ...More
Hi everyone!Written Jun 11, 2008
Sorry I haven't been around much lately. Life, ya know? Sometimes it just gets in the way of Simming! Ugh. Then there is that work thing you have to do, so you can keep buying Sim Stuff! It's not fair. I wanna be Suzi Homemaker! Then, I keep ending up going to my mom's house, for first one thing and then the other and one can not sim there. I've tried. Yes, I am heading up there to her... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
shadow66Sep 03, 2010
It's been a while - glad to see you've nearly caught up again (though there are now more out!! naturally!) Thanks for all your comments - appreciated as always! Catch ya later!
shadow66Aug 27, 2010
Guess who! Thanks for commenting on my 'Sassy Chefs' paintings - yes, one less for you to get, but there's still loads more since you're slacking so much!!! Catch ya later!
shadow66Jul 26, 2010
Well look who it is - the only person on here who bothers to leave you messages! Must be your singing (or threatening to sing) that's scared them all off! - good job I'm brave! Anyway, thank you for all your wonderful comments on my paintings (the ones you did manage to get - slacker!) - I might even get around to submitting some more now you've (nearly) caught up! TTYL