CrimsonViscosity2's Blog
Joplin Mo Tornado
If there are any TSR members who live in Joplin or near Joplin/have family in Joplin I give you my prayers. I myself live near Joplin and am fine but that is not quite the story for many. Often with diasters it is hard to digest the magintude of devastation that can be left behind because it is not personally effecting you. It is quite a different story though when you are amongst the devastation. Joplin, Missouri on Sunday, 22 was hit by a tornado. When I think of tornados, I think of small towns only being hit not large cities like that of Joplin. It is estimated that 70% of Joplin has been wiped out and the number reported dead is climbing. Simply put the devastation is staggering. So for those who have lost loved ones, their homes, or anything you are in my prayers. I hope everything works out and Joplin recovers.
The house that toppled over!
Upon accident I stumbled upon a foreign site that I believe is Korean and at this site is a brilliant creator that makes Lots for Sims 3. These Lots are no ordinary creations by no means, they are CFE masterpieces and his/her creations are mind blowing. Could make a grown man weep from the sheer beauty. The Lots struck me as very inspirational and as a beginning creator for Sims 3 I feel that it has altered my course of creating dramitically. One of the earlier creations that this person made is a house that appears to be upside down, it is complete genius. I wanted to create a similiar effect and expand on the idea, so after many hours of poking, prodding, trial, and error I found out how to replicate the exact result of the creator. Not only has the creator inspired me but also guided me into a crash course of using CFE. So thank you creator for which I can not name ;-)!
Now this is only the test product, I plan on expanding the floor plan and as for the style of the house I am not quite for sure. The house will be of my orginal creation but draws inspiration wise heavely off of the creators own work. I wish I could give proper credit but I do not know the creator/s name or anything, after all I do not speak Korean.
Now a TSR contributor.
After lurking on TSR for many years without an account I have decided I am going to start pitching in my creations, so here I am. I apologize for the lack of downloads and getting up downloads is going to be a slow process especially with school coming to a close. I booted up Sims 3 and decided I was going to become a Lot creator with little experience under my belt. After days of figuring out the stellar building system of Sims 3 I have managed to raise a residential house! It is called Whispering Gardens, I hope you enjoy it and woud love your feedback especially as a new contributor I assume I am quite prone to mistakes.