MandySA3 (1750302)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (147 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Simple Starter
Published Aug 11, 2014
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About Me
Hi, my name is Mandy Buchanan. I have been on TSR on and off for a couple of years now. Recently I have started creating again after a long break. At the moment my focus is on recolours and lot design - I lost my Milkshape license number which allowed me to create new meshes and have not replaced it.
I am a 33 year old single woman who works half day for an accountant as an accounts assistant and I also enjoy designing websites and doing some freelance writing on the side. When I am not working I love the Sims. I enjoy both the Sims 2 and the Sims 3 and tend to alternate between the two although most of my creations are for the Sims 3.
My Latest Updates Show All
I want to create but I can't:(Written Aug 06, 2011
Hi Everyone. I loved creating for all of you and have been really encouraged by most of the comments but since changing my computer I had to reinstall Milkshape (the program I use for meshing new objects) and unfortunately neither I nor them have been able to find my license number which means I currently don't have the full version of Milkshape and so can't continue creating new... ...More
A New Project - My Next Sims 3 LotWritten Aug 23, 2010
Well I haven't created a lot in a while as I've been too busy creating new objects, clothes, etc. I decided it was about time to create another house and so I am busy working on it...and working on it...and working on it. This house really is taking a long time to do the way I want and I am spending a lot longer than I would normally. I have been inspired by the likes of drib_ydal here on... ...More
Major Extraction Project - Rabbitholes uncoveredWritten Aug 13, 2010
Well today I started on a massive extraction projects. I have gone through all the rabbithole meshes and pulled out anything that looked vaguely useful (and there is a lot!) With these new images I hope to do a few walls, doors, pictures and perhaps a few other objects. There is so much in those rabbitholes that would be useful for our sims homes but that we currently don't have. Although... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
SilwerMoonTS3Mar 22, 2017
Hello praat jy afrikaans?
drib_ydalMay 22, 2012
Hi Mandy. Thanks for keeping in touch. RL has been very busy for me this year but I managed to send in a new lot. How about you?
MocarthJan 15, 2011
Just came across your glass roof on the forums as I have been looking for glass flooring. Just wanted to say that it is a great piece of work and I am definately going to be looking at your other works