darksoul1978 (1797968)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (14 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Daybreak Apartments
Published Oct 26, 2008
About Me
I have been playing the sims since the original sims was released. I have been coming to TSR for content for some time now judging by the 20,000 items in my downloads folder. I build websites for a living and am currently enrolled in college to get the little piece of paper to show people I can build websites. Since I am usually stuck at home doing schoolwork or making websites I have decided to start submitting lots I make on the sims 2 in my free time to TSR.
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BrandonTRFeb 25, 2015
Hi! Thank you for your nice comment! Have a nice day!
wickedgoddess_athena711Nov 01, 2008
Hi darksoul1978! I love your story, "the dark saga". I think morrigan is just adorable. I thnk i have a few tips o get more readers in the story, try to get in the frontpage. Also always say thank you to those who left comments in your story or announce your story to your loyal readers so they wont miss when a new chapter comes out. I always do that and my favorite authors notify me when a new chapter is out as well. BY the way, if you like magic and have time, hope you'll check out my story Magician's Hat. It was made before Apartment Life came out but it's just as magical. Hope you'll notify me when a new chapter is out soon. (wink..wink..)
happy simming and happy halloween!
crystal_89Oct 31, 2008
Hello Darksoul, Well this is my new story but I don't know where its leading but thats always good because you get ideas... anyway the next chapter should be out soon, though it might not be very exciting because it's kind of one of those stories that fill in the blanks to prepare you for what is to come, so I hope you enjoy it too! The light was edited into the shots not in game graphics, Im also changed the stories name to "The Power Of Fire" Thanks Alot Crystal