ldhummingbird (902212)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations ( in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Published Apr 6, 2009
My Latest Sims 1 Creations (88 in total) Show all my Sims 1 Creations
About Me
Since Vista has decided not to play nice with Maxis, ever, I've sadly had to retire my Sims 1 stuff. On the bright side, however, I've just purchased the Sims 2 and expansions up to Apartment Live (no idea if I've all the stuff packs, because, well, there's a lot). So I'm getting ready to jump back into golden trout-infested waters. Am also very excited to own the IKEA pack! Bork bork!
In real life, I am a native Texan who teaches preschool in the heart of Appalachia. I live with my wonderfully geeky fiance, his grandparents, and their menagerie (which includes my snails as well as too many dogs & cats to even mention without a globalhack to your brain). My interests are pretty eclectic and so I have far too many random ideas to implement in one lifetime, in life as well as in the Sims.
My Guestbook Show All
shadow66Feb 06, 2009
Hi, and thanks very much for all of your lovely comments on my 'Ladybird Furnishing Collection' - it's great to know my creations are liked, and I hope you enjoy using them in your game - hve fun!
ziggy28Jan 29, 2009
Hiya!! Sorry im just getting back to you to say Thank You for commenting on my 'Country cottage cream bedding', but with how the new site has been I didnt know that you had posted a comment..lol Thanks again!!! Happy simming
DonnhaJan 28, 2009
Hi ldhummingbird, Thank you for your lovely feedback on my 'Floral' Bedding ... I really appreicate it!! Have a fab day, Donna