minara (753467)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations
Pierrot Mask
Published May 22, 2007
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mistresscrisAug 11, 2007
You know, I never would've noticed that she looked like Racheal had you not pointed it out. She's just a Sim I thought turned out well.
Thanks for the compliment!
MysticVelvetJul 07, 2007
By the way, welcome to TSR hope you enjoy your stay here
MysticVelvetJul 07, 2007
Hi there minara, you will find the link to the meshes for my Maritime Fashions at Liana Sims below the downloads, the meshes required are 031,030,076, the bikini and the Sailor dress don't rewuire meshes, they are in game meshes, but you will need the H&M stuff pack, hope that helps you have a lovely day, Jean