nicketti (2467130)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (114 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations
About Me
Like making items for Sims 3. So far have done patterns, terrain paints, floors, walls, makeup. Will take some suggestions for new stuff.
Have all Sims 2 and all Sims 3, playing all. Don't worry, be happy, have fun.
Hi to all you vets out there. Not veterinarians but military veterans. My background is in animal science and veterinary technology. We live with my service dog, therapy dog, canine literacy and other animals. Spend most of time playing sims as am military service connected disabled. Really like TSR and think it is the best site. Love all kinds of food and go out every Friday. Enjoy meeting with Red Hat friends once a month for lunch. Help part time with the local weekly newspaper, it's a sit down job. My pay is dinner. Like all kinds of music, still have old 33s, and old classic movies. Preferred vacation spot is anywhere we can get the wheel chair, especially trains and boats. Ever try going to Europe where there are no handicap ramps in really old places? Like also doing genealogy and collecting family crests and shields. Favorites books Harry Potter, Edgar Rice Burroughs Martian series, plus a bunch of old stuff.
My Latest Updates Show All
Thanksgiving AgainWritten Nov 26, 2013
Hello and happy November 2013. Have been away. Had another surgery and can walk now, yeah. Also Am doing vollunteer work for salvation army festivals. Have a new career as a face painter which is allowing me to use my art background. Am playing bells and chimes at my church which lets me use my music. Am also a volunteer clown at our senior center. My clown name is Sparkle and lets me act... ...More
November Is Gold Month!Written Nov 28, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving and other holidays worldwide. November is almost gone now. Please check out my new GOLD themed patterns in my Sims studio page. My family took me to the Texas Renaissance Faire over Thanksgiving weekend. It was great fun. The caroline bell player that appeared on America's Got Talent was there. He is very entertaining and we purchased all of his music CDs. The... ...More
Happy October and HalloweenWritten Oct 06, 2012
This is my favorite time of year. The new Supernatural EP is so fun. Even more so because as a child one of my grandmothers was into fortunes and seances and stuff like that. So naturally Halloween became my favorite holiday. To celebrate, I have placed some new Halloween themed patterns in my studio on the Sims webpage. Look for leniece, my other nom de plume. Oh yes, my grandmother... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
ShinoKCRSep 03, 2014
Thank you for your sweet comment on my French Quarter Livingroom! Huggles Renate
WimmieAug 17, 2014
Thank you so much for your nice comment . Wish you a gorgeous day.
lillkaJul 01, 2014
Hello! Thank you so much for your lovely comment. Wish you wonderful week. hugs