nikki_19612 (1593015)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (12 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Modern Cliffside Oasis
Published Apr 18, 2010
About Me
My name's Nicole (or Nikki) and I'm a 21 year old from Ontario, Canada. I am currently in the fourth year of an undergraduate program in health studies. I live with my boyfriend and my little beagle puppy, Lily. I've been playing the Sims since the first one came out (I'm pretty sure I was only 11), but this is my first time sharing the lots I have created.
I hope you enjoy my lots. I always appreciate feedback :-)
My Guestbook Show All
DOTJun 30, 2009
Hi hi Thanks for the nice comment on the Patterns I tried to make
kanzenJun 30, 2009
thanks for taking time to read and comment on Lorelei ^^, I'm glad you liked it and the new cover. btw, have you read the earlier ones? ^^ a lot of people get confused even when they read from the beginning o_o" ahaha, well, have a nice day! *hugs*
AlyoshaJun 26, 2009
Hi there! Thank you so much for leaving such lovely and appreciative
comments on my creations! I am so happy that you like them! Happy Simming! Alyosha