oracledelphi4 (1532101)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (185 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Funky Dining Room
Published Apr 5, 2009
About Me
Just a crazy girl with a funny little simming problem! I am the creator of things out of the ordinary! Because, after all, the sims aren't real, and who says they need to look that way!! Hope you enjoy my stuff half as much as I enjoy making them! Long live photoshop!!!
My Guestbook Show All
sadidasgurlFeb 28, 2016
Skintones u made are lust awesome! Good job
PeachKrysieJul 26, 2009
Hey! I wanted to thank you for thanking me on my Elanris Aon Jewelry (i realized i spelled it wrong too late ) I guess it was perfect timing for the set to come out. I'm so happy you like them. Enjoy! -Krysie
elainearoraApr 28, 2009
Hi, I'm so happy you liked my Clematis set enough to download it and leave so many comments.Thankyou.Have a great day. Elaine