twin2162 (2256819)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (189 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

MYStyle - For Prom Collection
Published Jul 30, 2010
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
My Name is Caitlin. I Live in Australia in the state of Tasmania (small heart shape island on the bottom of the country) Its cold and it rains alot, but I love it! My sister, Jessica. Her profile is Hotchick42! which was my previous account! We haven't got any uploads there but its like her own little site that we dont have to share.
I have uploaded a few simple creations, both creations from Jessica and I which you should still find pleasing! If you have any suggestions, tips, tricks and helpful Information, it would soooooo much be appreciated!! I love all your feedback!!
WE LOVE THE SIMS 1, 2 & 3!! And we LOVE all your (Creators) downloads, we have pleasure in downloading them, and always leave a long meaningful comment on everyone on how much we love them!!
My Latest Updates Show All
Been Busy...Written Aug 19, 2010
You should be use to that title... Lots of people have those months where not much is really happening, My real life takes over and to be honest work, wedding planning and everyday stuff is filling my free time... I LOVE my fiance and we are only now really getting into this wedding planning. Got our Intension to Wed from the celebrant. Can't fill that out till October as In Australia you... ...More
Another Collection UploadedWritten Jul 28, 2010
Its been a month now since my last blog "not sure what to do" people suggested to try a mesh.... Mmmmm, no, I dont have a mesh program and I my aim is to colour meshes (base game meshes) So the people out there only needed to download a recolour rather then a mesh and recolour package. Just my way of making it easier. I tell you what though, If I had a mesh programm I would definatley amend... ...More
Not Sure what to do now?Written Jun 28, 2010
I've enjoyed starting to create houses, which isn't my speciality, but I take pride in producing extravigant or cute little wonders that your sims and yourself will enjoy living in. I try hard to find a layout that people will love, and wont have to change. Of course I'm not one to create my own personalised wall paper or flooring, which takes out the fun of something new! Then again, I do... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
ziggy28Dec 24, 2010
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family ((((hugs)))) Lorraine
HarmoniaSep 03, 2010
hi, thanks LOVELY nice comment on my Colorful Ruffle Dress I'm so glad you like it! happy simming
Wolfsim68Aug 27, 2010
Thank you so much for the lovely comment on Cradle Mountain Loft. I did steal the name... as I love the look of Cradle Mountain Lodge. I've never been there... maybe one day! Love & Hugs Shaz