deagh (1454207)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (53 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Dye Happy - Gel Rock Recolors
Published Dec 18, 2008
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
I'm a forty-something (not that I care if you know how old I am, but this way I don't have to update this thing until I turn 50) accountant who, oddly enough, likes to play Sims 2 in her spare time.
I am one of the forum moderators here at TSR - you can find me in TS2 General, Community Challenges, and the TS3 forum. I'm one of the "storytelling" mods, as it were. I have some stories on the site and on the forums, and a reasonably popular legacy in community challenges.
I've recently gotten into this whole creating thing, and have a few creations for download. Mostly I do default replacements, but I have a few actual "creations" as well.
My Latest Updates Show All
New Banner!Written Jan 07, 2009
I want to say a huuuuge THANK YOU! to Saoz for making my banner. I suck at this kind of thing, so when she graciously offered to do it, I took her up on it so fast it made her head spin. My banner features a selection of my boys. I'm very proud of them. :) Now, who are those boys, anyway? From right to left we have: General Buzz Grunt: Yep, the Maxis sim. Give... ...More
Hair?Written Dec 15, 2008
Yep, I've recolored some hair. I have a set of five coming out soon. They aren't perfect by any means - I'm new at this whole thing - but thanks to the unending patience of MsBarrows, I have four colors I'm reasonably happy with. Four? But wait, there are five??? Yep, the fifth one, the Barak Blue that is the one in the set preview, was done for me by MsBarrows. Barak de la... ...More
Holes!Written Nov 19, 2008
Have you ever noticed that sim houses are...well, perfect? They never have holes in their drywall, they never have cracked stucco...perfect! Now, one can certainly change that - there are lots of wallpapers one can download to fix this, for example, MsBarrows' lovely crumbled plaster and shoddy brick sets. However,... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
spitzmagicJan 21, 2011
(((deagh))) I just wanted to stop by and say Thank you...have a wonderful weekend
mensureDec 28, 2010
*** Wishing you a New Year filled with new hope, new joy and new beginnings... ***
AnoeskaBDec 25, 2010
Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a very happy and healthy new year!