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Created for: The Sims 3 Creator Terms of Use
A more formal portrait set for a family with 2 adults and 2 children.
*4 poses
*pose list compatible
Please read the instructions carefully as there are things you need to know for the set to work as shown.
1. The flower by Severinka, only works with everyday outfits.
2. The male in the back can sit on the arm of a large sofa. I have him sitting on a bar stool. You may wish to move the stool around for your own desired look.
3. It is best to snap the poses together and then slide your choice of couch under the sims. Use the alt key on your keyboard to do so after entering
the moveobjects on cheat.
4. Couches are all different heights for the seat. You may need to use the one more slot from Mod The Sims to raise up the sims.
5. Child pose 4 is sitting on a floor pillow, not a stool. I wanted the sim a specific height to get the arms to match, mom and child, you will
need this pillow.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1451093
ItemID: 1451093
Filesize: 56 KB
CC Shown in Pics
Flower by Severinka
Formal gown
Child gown for pose 3
Child gown for pose 4
Flower Still Life Painting by marcorse
Floor pillow for child pose 4
Credits: Severinka, marcorse, *n-a-n-u*, Serpentrogue, Wimmie, lillka
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