ghastlychaos (147387)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (33 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Ariel Dress
Published Apr 24, 2005
About Me
I am 34 years old, but sometimes feel much older, due to the 5 lovely children in my life. They are great, most of the time! I've been simming since the day the first Sims came out. I have recently started messing around with BodyShop for Sims2, and I might just post some of the stuff soon!
My Guestbook Show All
mistresscrisFeb 07, 2008
Thanks for the ego stroking. You know I love it when you tell me that I'm the best. Just don't do anything drastic in your quest to be my number 1. I don't want to come home and find boiled Annabelle or anything.
Love you.
hollandgirlAug 21, 2007
thank you for your comment on my boys will be boys screenshot! kinda looks like a matrix pose doesn't it?
ValgridaAug 21, 2007
Hi! Thank you for your comment on my screenshot! And I certainly understand why you like sims2 - every mother with children need a place to hide and for me that is playing sims2 and designing houses... Children are lovely but they certainly can make you tired... Happy simming!!!!!